Of course you guys are aware that I am a flight attendant. This means I travel for a living. Not just for work, but for leisure as well. I've had the opportunity to explore cities I've only dreamt of visiting. I was reading an article by Lauren Victoria titled "People Who Can't Travel With Me." Funny read btw. Check it out!
Lauren's article inspired me to do my own. So below you'll find the five types of people I never want traveling with me. Are you one of them? Keep reading the list to see!
#1 The Borrower - Sharing is caring blah blah blah. I get it. However, if you intentionally do not pack... ya know... the important stuff like toothpaste, lotion and body wash because you know I'll have it, do not travel with me. Granted, I do not mind sharing with you if you left items by mistake. But if you're like "Ashley brings everything, I don't need this," and take it out your bag then don't travel with me! I went to Target's travel section to grab items I needed. Not items WE needed. K? People just never pack what they need. Someone is always like, "Can I borrow some body wash?" Followed by "Can I have some lotion?" Continued with a "Can I have a little toothpaste?" If this is you, please do NOT travel with me. I bring what I need and the amount I need, so please bring what you need. K?
#2 The Boring Betty/Bob - If you are the person that can't hang and always wants to know when we are going home... DO NOT TRAVEL WITH ME! I'm young, single and love exploring new cities. Therefore, I'd like to use EVERY minute of vacation actually vacationing. I typically hang out all night, well at least until three or four in the morning because I'm a night owl. I do not care what time I have to be up the following day. As long as I have a power nap beforehand, I'm good to hang! So, if you have a set sleeping schedule and like sticking to it then that's perfectly fine. Just know you will not be traveling with me, so BYE FELICIA!
#3 The Social Media Junkie - the person that does not know how to vacation without confirming their every move on social media first. Posting stuff like, "Heading to Mexico Facebook, Just got on the plane to Mexico Facebook, Just got off the plane in Mexico Facebook, Just landed in Mexico Facebook." Like OMG RELAX... I promise that Facebook knows you're out of town in Mexico. Now don't get me wrong, when I travel I like to post where I'm going and sometimes what I'm doing. But I won't post as often as the Social Media Junkie. To be quite honest, I've traveled to numerous cities being a flight attendant and I haven't posted half of them. Posting on social networks every time something fun happens takes away from the moment. From my experience, if I'm having the time of my life, I'm not worried about posting a photo or video. I'm too focused on the moment and enjoying it. I'd like to have those memories caught on camera, but savoring the moment while it's happening is way more important. That's just me though. So if you're the person going live on Facebook in a social setting? You can't travel with me. Sorry not sorry!
#4 The Cheap Traveler - the person that brought $0 for the entire weekend and monitors every dime they spend. If that's you, please don't travel with me. Like I understand going on a trip with a budget, but sometimes you have to live a little. Am I saying that when I travel I'm spending crazy amounts of money? No. What I'm saying is that if there is a restaurant that's pretty expensive but has good food then I'm going. If there is a club that is a guaranteed good time, I'm going. I do not mind spending my money to have a great vacation. So if you can't afford to splurge just a tad bit, then you probably shouldn't be going on vacation. Take a year to save up and then dust yourself off and let's try again next year. But until then stay at home because you can not travel with me!
#5 The Early Riser - if you are one of those people that wakes up anytime before 9 a.m. on vacation...do not travel with me. I'm most likely still recovering from the night before so let me sleep. I do not like to be woken up by an alarm let alone an actual person. I have a morning routine. I wake up. I relax for an hour. I get dressed. I'll mostly likely be ready by noon at the latest. Perfect time to get the day started. If you are the traveler that can not sleep past 7 a.m....do us both a favor and don't try to travel with me!
Disclaimer: If you are one of the five people on my list and would really like to travel with me, maybe we can work something out. LOL!
Who can't travel with you? Are you someone on this list? Comment below.
Thanks for reading!