With time, comes growth. Through my 24 years of living, I thank God for all of his blessings on my life. He has given me the strength, power and courage to excel in everything I put my mind to. While creating this list of 24 Things I've Learned In 24 years, I've realized that I've grasped so much in life. However, there is still much more to learn. I hope you enjoy my list, just as much as I enjoyed making it for you.
1. With God, ANY and EVERYTHING is possible.
2. Always follow your first mind.
3. When a person shows you who they are, believe them.
4. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
5. Strangers will support your craft more than people you know.
6. Always listen to your parents. They literally know everything.
7. Wasted time is WORST than wasted money.
8. Family and friends love you despite your flaws and imperfection.
9. SAVE and BUDGET your money.
10. Sometimes it's not what you say, but how you say it.
11. What's meant for you is for YOU.
12. Don't overthink or stress over things you can not control.
13. YOU determine exactly what it is you expect of yourself and your life.
14. It's okay to be selective and have standards because knowing your worth is imperative.
15. Everything does not deserve a reaction.
16. It's not what you know, but who you know.
18. Anything worth having will NOT come easy.
19. God works in mysterious ways.
20. Being single isn't that bad.
21. Never give people the opportunity to still your joy.
22. It's okay, not to be okay!
23. Timing is vital.
24. Never take no for an answer and if no is the answer change the question.
I encourage everyone to make a list of things you have learned throughout your years of living. It is a refresher and also a reminder that knowledge is imperative and something new is learned everyday.
What things can you relate to from my list of 24 Things I've Learned In 24 years? Comment below.